Comprehensive Care

Comprehensive Care

Fujita Haneda Clinic provides global quality medical treatment and peace of mind.

If there’s one thing in our lives that’s truly priceless, it’s our health. Taking care of it at every age is something that pays dividends for decades.

However, it can be a challenge to find a clinic where you can receive world-class care covering a variety of disciplines in English. This is exactly what is being offered at Fujita Haneda Clinic, which features a luxurious atmosphere, state-of-the-art equipment and highly trained doctors who operate at the top of their fields.

The clinic opened last October near Haneda Airport. It is part of Fujita Medical Innovation Center Tokyo, which is affiliated with Aichi Prefecture-based Fujita Health University, Japan’s largest academic hospital and the top provider of health­care to inbound patients. In keeping with its parent institution, Fujita Haneda Clinic is dedicated to serving the needs of its overseas clientele. And it is already drawing attention: the facility has been covered on NHK World and visited by delegations from around the globe.

The clinic offers a range of eye treatments

Patients can benefit from a range of services, including compre­hen­sive screening, cell-based therapies, collabo­rative consultations and a reha­bili­ta­tion center where fitness exami­nations are offered.

It is staffed by specialists in ortho­pedics, ophthalmology, plastic surgery, radiology, cardiology, gastroenterology and endocrinology, as well as doctors specializing in fertility treatments. As Shigeto Shimmura, an ophthal­mologist by training and the director of the clinic, explains, most patients at the screening center and half of those receiving treat­ment at the clinic are from overseas. He adds that the innova­tive cell-based therapies that the clinic offers are a product of the research activities being conducted at the innova­tion center. The dedica­tion that the clinic’s doctors have for staying at the cutting edge of their fields is also key.

Rehabilitation center

When it comes to screenings, the clinic offers a two-day course that includes cutting-edge low-exposure PET/CT (posi­tron emission tomography/computed tomo­graphy) and upright CT scans, upper and lower endoscopy under seda­tion and marker tests for whole-body cancer screening. They also offer a PET scan that can be used to diagnose Alzheimer’s disease and breast cancer. Shimmura says that this technology enables the clinic to identify a range of conditions. “We have a very high speci­ficity towards diagnosing cancer and metabolic disease and, in the short time since it opened, the clinic has discovered cancers in some patients,” he explains. “I think the screenings are some­thing that anyone who’s interested in their health should really look into. They’re much more extensive than the average checkup that companies offer to their employees.”

Cell-based therapies at Fujita Haneda Clinic treat ailments of the knees and eyes, including conditions such as Fuchs’ dystrophy. The clinic also performs proce­dures such as corneal trans­plants, retinal surgeries and treatments for cata­racts and myopia.

The outpatient clinic offers the oppor­­­­tu­nity for patients to consult with doctors about any health concerns they may have and receive medications as prophy­­lactic treat­ment. While Fujita Haneda Clinic can offer treatments for a variety of condi­tions on the premises, doctors can refer patients to specialists not only in the greater Tokyo region but also around Japan thanks to an extensive network with Keio Univer­sity, Fujita Health University and other insti­tutions. Consulta­tions are available for diabetic patients and those with meta­­bolic syndrome, and the clinic offers a kitchen where a staff chef can help develop meal plans for patients who need them.

Along with its expert doctors and advanced equipment, the clinic offers a luxurious ambience, from its stylish décor to its stately private rooms. In all, it creates an environment where patients can be assured that they will receive top-quality care, in comfort and ease.

Private waiting room with an airport view
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July 2024